
Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$7,500/month. 世服宏圖在國際金融中心二期提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣7,500元起。

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$7,500/month. 世服宏圖在香港會所大廈提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣7,500元起。

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$6,000/month. 世服宏圖在國際金融中心二期提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣6,000元起。

Magento 網上商店,Magento Platforms,網頁設計,Web Design,Responsive網頁設計,Magento模板,online store,shopping cart system,ecommerce solution,Magento Development,Magento Cloud Hosting
1設計 / 網頁設計1951113918

不論 商業 或 住居 空間 都有豐富經驗資源 助你實現 繁荣既生意 ,舒適既居所 www.sekkeimugen.com

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties .

近地鐵, 2-6人獨立office, 月租一間房只需$7500起WIFI設備水電全包; 位置方便,由佐敦港鐵站步行只需2分鐘; 獨立冷氣,設備完善,有會議室有pantry有common area; 全新裝修,可即時搬入,即租即用; 24小時出入. 開揚靚景
O物業地產 / 共用工作空間Owl Square Co-working Limited

無限儲存空間, 無限數據流量, 一鍵安裝應用程式

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

品牌形象 | 宣傳海報 | 書刊及小冊子設計 | 平面設計 | web-banner | Graphic Design | Website Design | Packaging customisation | Invitation Card | Name Card | Stationary | Catalog | menu | 海報
設計 / 平面設計Jm Design Studio

{Graphic & Advertising / V.I Design}平面廣告及品牌形象設計 {PR / Talent & Performance}宣傳公關營銷及人才表演管理{Web Design / Hosting and Domain}網頁設計及網絡寄存域名註冊 {Online Mangement & Marketing Promotions}線上媒體管理及網絡宣傳及營銷

時租辦公室 hour space 時租 不同主題房間 美容 化妝 指甲 office 辦公室 自修室

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties .

coworking space 共用工作空間 商務中心 交流平台 serviced business centre, Hong Kong, Jordan MTR 全包 24小時閉路監察
物業地產 / 共用工作空間IDEIA Coworking Space and Serviced Office

Garage Society is a contemporary co-work operator in Asia. Home to leading international startups, freelancers, and creatives, we regularly host events to facilitate collaboration within our community

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.
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